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1 Translation result for strange in Spanish


strange adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
extraño, raro; desconocido, nuevo

Example sentences of
strange adjective

  • Does his behavior seem strange to you?
  • Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
  • That is one of the strangest creatures I have ever seen.
  • He gave me a strange look.
  • Strange as it may seem, I don't like walking barefoot on the grass.
  • It's strange that nobody told me about this before.
  • That's strange. He was here a minute ago.
  • The strange thing is that nobody saw him enter or leave the building.
  • Children are taught not to talk to strange people.
  • The language was strange to me.

Detailed synonyms for strange adjective

Strange, singular, unique, peculiar, eccentric, erratic, odd, curious, queer, quaint, outlandish, unusual significan que se desvía o varía de lo ordinario, usual o lo esperado.
  • Strange recalca falta de familiaridad y puede aplicarse a lo foráneo, lo anormal, lo inexplicable o lo nuevo <heard a strange noise>.
    antonyms: familiar
  • Singular connota individualidad o una rareza desconcertante <his ideas were always singular and highly imaginativer>.
  • Unique indica el carecer de iguales o de un paralelo conocido <a career unique in the history of science>.
  • Peculiar indica un carácter marcadamente distintivo <the problems peculiar to such neighborhoods>.
  • Eccentric connota una divergencia de lo usual o normal, particularmente en el comportamiento <she became increasingly eccentric as she aged>.
  • Erratic recalca una desviación o un alejamiento caprichoso o impredecible de lo normal o lo esperado <disturbed by his friend's erratic behavior>.
  • Odd, curious se aplican a una desviación, posiblemente fantástica, de lo regular o lo esperado <she has an odd sense of humor> <she had received a curious letter from someone calling himself "Your Friend">.
  • Queer connota una rareza sospechosa, y a veces siniestra <a queer feeling about the place came over him>.
  • Quaint connota una rareza chapada a la antigua pero agradable <a quaint little village in the mountains>.
  • Outlandish se aplica a lo que es grosero, extraño o brutal <many of the local customs and superstitions seemed outlandish to her>.
  • Unusual en un término neutral que significa raro <an unusual amount of rain for February>.
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Reverse translation for strange

extraño  - strange, odd, foreign 
raro  - odd, strange, peculiar, unusual, rare, exceptional 
desconocido  - unknown, unfamiliar 
nuevo  - new